Tue, Oct 25, 2022 10:35 AM

Alice comes to Marlborough-land



By Andrew Board

The region’s youngest actors put on a show to remember at the start of the school holidays with a performance of Alice, based on the Alice in Wonderland book.

The show was performed three times by 28 junior members of the Marlborough Children’s Youth Theatre at the Marlborough Girls’ College hall at the start of the month.


Director Samantha Baxter says she was “so proud” of her young students.

“It went really well, the kids enjoyed themselves on and off the stage. We also had some of our senior students working back stage, one was stage manager, others helped with wardrobe and props, so it was really nice for them to see the other side of theatre.”

The actors ranged in age from 5 to 11 and worked for a school term and a half to prepare for the show. “For them to remember all of their lines – and some of them had multiple characters – was really impressive,” says Samantha.


The students also helped out by making some of the props and decorations. The show was the last big one of the year for the theatre but Samantha says she’s planning a double show next year for both senior and junior members.

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