Tue, Jul 19, 2022 10:09 AM

If I Could


Tessa Jaine

When Michelle Madsen is not busy selling property, she is helping to run the animal rescue organisation, Marlborough Four Paws. The organisation began in 2017 and has quickly grown thanks to the work of Michelle and other passionate volunteers. Michelle shares with us what she would do, if she could…

If I could spend a day with anyone, it would be…

Sir David Attenborough, to hear first-hand some of his experiences over his amazing lifetime would be incredibly interesting, I totally admire him.

If I could change one thing about Marlborough, it would be…

Compulsory de-sexing of all pets. We have a massive problem in Marlborough with unwanted kittens/cats and puppies, it is just heart-breaking the amount we see on a regular basis.

If I could donate $1m to any charity it would be…

Marlborough Four Paws. They struggle month to month with site and vet costs, they do a lot in the community and there is so much more needed.

If I could be famous for something, it would be…

Putting a stop to animal neglect.

If I could only take one thing to a desert island, it would be…

My sunglasses, I cannot see in bright light so I guess I will need them. I would love to say my dogs, but they would be totally hopeless.

If I could have any job, it would be…

A crime scene investigator.

If I could have lunch with four people, they would be...

Leslie, Liz and Liv who all give a huge amount of time to Marlborough Four Paws. I would be lost without these amazing ladies. Also, my beautiful daughter Tahlia for putting up with me, leaving at all hours to help an animal. It would be nice to sit down and relax over lunch with these people.

If I could travel anywhere, it would be…

Africa with Vicki Baker, that would be totally amazing.

If I could have a superpower, it would be…

The power to make people disappear… especially people who neglect animals!

If I could predict the future, in ten years’ time I will be...

Still rescuing animals. Although, I find this so heartbreaking. It is so hard to see an animal in need and there is nothing we can do at times, I am very lucky to have such an amazing team to help.

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