Thu, Aug 4, 2022 3:47 PM

If I Could with Russ Smith


Tessa Jaine

As a senior constable and part of Blenheim’s police team Russell Smith is a familiar face in the Marlborough community, well-known for his work with youth. If he could, Russell would travel the Mediterranean and give back to the Marlborough community.

If I could spend a day with anyone, it would be…

Billy Connolly, it would be a laugh and an education.

If I could change one thing about Marlborough, it would be…

Making it a place where our youth choose to stay and live because there are clear paths to a range of attractive careers and employment opportunities.

If I could tell my younger self one thing it would be...

Keep family and friends close, they are more important than anything else.

If I could travel anywhere, it would be…

Touring around and enjoying the culture, people, food, scenery, and weather in the Mediterranean.

If I could have any job, it would be…

Something very similar to what I do for a job now.

If I could have a superpower, it would be…

Making not-for-profit charitable organisations financially self-sufficient so they can go about doing all the good work they do without having to struggle for funding.

If I could visit any country in the world, it would be…

It would have to be Italy. It appeals to me because it is a country full of culture, history and traditions, great food, and absolutely beautiful scenery, from Mediterranean vistas to the mountainous regions in the North. So much to experience and take in within one country.

If I could donate $1m to any charity it would be…

The Marlborough Youth Trust so that they can employ a full-time professional manager, more youth workers and launch more good youth programmes to ensure Marlborough youth are confident, connected and contributing to their community.

If I could predict the future, in ten years’ time Marlborough will…

Still be leading the way in viticulture, but will also be an innovation leader in researching and developing new bio technologies that are both green and energy efficient.

If I could have a superpower, it would be…

Providing the not-for-profit organisations in Marlborough with all the finance and resources they need to keep doing the fantastic job they do in our community.

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