Dollhouse labour of love

Paula Hulburt

Marilyn and Dave McLeod next to the latest handcrafted dollhouse to be created. Photo: Paula Hulburt.

A talented Blenheim woodworker is helping spread joy by donating his handmade dollhouses to children across the region.

Eighteen months ago, Blenheim man Dave McLeod started to try his hand at woodwork.

Now hundreds of children in kindergartens and preschools have benefited from his skills and dedication.

It all began with a bird house, Dave explains.

“A fellow came in to change the gas bottle and saw I was building a bird house.

“He said I should be making dollhouses as it was hard to find any that weren’t made of plastic.

“I thought about it, finished making the bird house and gave it a go.”

Alongside wife Marilyn, the semi-retired tractor driver has found new homes for the special pieces.

Mayfield, Seymour, Redwoodtown, Springlands, Witherlea Picton and St Marys Kindergartens, a preschool in Kaikoura and Renwick have all received dollhouses.

Women’s Refuge were also given one.

Dave says he rarely accepts private commissions as he wants as many children as possible to benefit.

“I’d rather give them away so lots of children get to enjoy them.

“The first one I made was a bit smaller with balconies but then I realised I was making them a bit too elaborate, and they might get easily broken.

“The first thing the kids do is try and open the doors, but I glue them shut now or they wouldn’t last for long.”

Each house comes with carefully wallpapered partitions which are easily moved so children can create different rooms inside the house.

Working in his garage at home, Dave says he spends part of every day creating the unique dollhouses. Family dog Buddy, often supervises.

Each one is a true labour of love, taking months to complete.

“If I worked full time on them, I could make one in about three weeks. I never really plan what I’m going to do. I just sit down, and it comes to me, usually at 3 o clock in the morning, he laughs.

Alongside wife Marilyn, Dave choses a kindergarten and surprises them with the gift.

“I don’t plan anything in advance because what happens if I just dropped down dead one day and couldn’t finish it.

“This helps keep me alive,” Dave says with a grin.

Dave is interested to hear from any children’s charities or fundraising efforts for children who may benefit from a dollhouse donation.

Please email [email protected] and messages will be forwarded on.


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