Quality quilting

William Woodworth

Marlborough Quilters’ Eleanor Cole and Liz Johnson at the Stadium 2000 display weekend. Photo: William Woodworth.

The opportunity to display their needlework brought smiles to many of Marlborough’s most eager quilters over the weekend.

Marlborough Quilters took over Stadium 2000’s indoor courts to put on a display of over 100 intricate works, stretching from 100-year-old family heirlooms and national award-winning pieces to fashionable club projects and beginner works from the newest club members.

The combination of inspirational art, fun raffles and nine businesses selling fabric and thread to bring new ideas to eager quilters, meant members Eleanor Cole and Liz Johnson are over the moon with the community response to their hard work since their last display in 2022.

“Marlborough Quilters members all work together locally, because as much as we do challenge competitions it’s all for the friendship and fun”, says Eleanor.

“I was very pleased to have two of my quilts chosen for last year’s US Hoffman Challenge from their specific fabrics, which only just arrived back in time from 12 months touring for this weekend.”

With over 100 locally-made quilts on display, alongside 40 travelling displays from Aotearoa Quilters’ spring challenge, Marlborough Quilters were thrilled by the three days of displays, with a steady stream of interested spectators in attendance.

“Because the quilts take plenty of time to put together, we host our display weekends every two years, but this one has been nearly three after the Clubs of Marlborough closed”, says Liz.

“However, we’re in love with Stadium 2000 because the high ceilings and great lighting has been fabulous to show our works off to the keen community in their full glory, so we hope to be back soon.”


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