Top of the morning

William Woodworth

Bess and Greg Colquhoun, Dave and Gwen Reynish and Carolyn and Steve Hanna enjoy a mid-morning Guinness. Photo: William Woodworth.

Whether Irish or Irish at heart, St Patrick’s Day is one of fun for many in Marlborough.

For his 20th year as publican of Biddy Kate’s Irish Pub, and a card-carrying Irishman, Terry Sloan says the 17th of March is a day always circled on the calendar.

“On the day there’s two types of people - those that are Irish and those that want to be – but many people find a tenuous connection”, he laughs.

"Practice makes perfect after 20 years, so it’s just making sure you’ve got the stock, promotions from our suppliers, and live Irish entertainment all ready to go, so it’s got easier, but the week’s order is always a hell of a lot bigger.

“You’re always better to have too much than not enough - there’s nothing worse than running out of Guinness on St Patrick’s Day”.

With the day falling on this past Monday, Terry says it’s a less popular day but will be busy nevertheless.

Biddy Kate’s Irish Pub’s publican Terry Sloan pours one of many Guinnesses on Monday morning for St Patrick’s Day. Photo: William Woodworth.

“Last year on Sunday, it took until mid-morning to really start but generally retirees come early and others flow in throughout the day – we’ve also got harvest underway, and foreign workers love celebrating it too.

“When I was a little bit younger and fitter, I used to rev into it a wee bit later in the evening but recovery takes a bit longer nowadays especially when I have to be back at 8am in the morning but it’s generally just a good, fun, happy day”.


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