Emily’s delicious addition

Paula Hulburt

Cancun Eats owner Amrut Redekar and Emily Hulburt with the dessert she helped inspire. Photo: Paula Hulburt.

A discerning young diner has helped create a new dessert for a Blenheim restaurant.

Emily Hulburt, 12, is a regular at Mexican restaurant Cancun Eats with her family. Now her name graces the restaurant’s latest menu after she helped create a unique dessert by chance.

Enjoying a Caeser salad served in a deep-fried tortilla basket, the Year 8 Bohally Intermediate School student told the owner the bowl would taste great served with ice cream. Now named Emily’s Ice cream in her honour, the concoction is made from fried tortilla, three scoops of ice cream, sauce and whipped cream.

Emily says she hopes other people like it as much as she does.

“It’s delicious. The flavours work well together and I always order it, not just because it has my name on it but because it is very nice. “It’s cool to see my name on the menu.”

With all his experience in different countries, from America to Thailand and the Middle East, Amrut says with all of his experience in hospitality around the globe, it is the first time he has featured a customer’s creation.

“We have sold a few since it appeared on the menu last week, it was a good idea.”


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