Car mad

Matt Brown

This month we had a look at Marlborough Vintage Car Club chairman Rob Galloway's Ford Model A collection.

Tell me about yourself...
Rob Galloway. 68 years old, from Wellington. I’ve been in Blenheim for 38 years. Car mad? No, just foolish.  I have 50 years in the motor trade.

What are you driving?
Fords and Toyotas.

What’s under the bonnet?
CAR: Ford Model A. 3.3 Litre Flat head. 4 Cylinder. 1931 Tudor Sedan.
TRUCK: Ford Model A 1928 Roadster pickup – 3.3 Litre Flat head 4 Cylinder.

Where is it from?
All model As sold new in New Zealand were from Canada – but assembled in New Zealand.

Where did you get it?
Orginally sold new by Lucas Ford Blenheim, I purchased it in Wellington in 1976, I’ve owned it for 45 years. My truck was purchased in Spring Creek, Blenheim and I restored it.

Was it expensive to buy, and is it expensive to run?
A good model A costs about $30-40,000. Miles per gallon is approximately 20-24 and reliable with parts easily available.

Is it your dream car? If not, what is?
I don’t really have a dream car. But these are easily maintained, have parts available, are reasonably economical, and fun to drive.


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