Tue, Jan 9, 2024 2:00 PM

Bohally prize winners a talented team


William Woodworth

Each year at Bohally Intermediate School, two Year 7 and two Year 8 students are acknowledged for their all-round achievement throughout the year.  Reporter William Woodworth asked Year 7 Pattie Cup winners, Beau Clouston and Joseph Gilhooly, and Year 8 Honours Board additions, Dara Robertson and Luke Tucker how it felt to be picked.


How did you feel being announced as the winner?

Beau: I was speechless. I had no idea I was even up for nomination let alone winning it.

Joseph: I was really excited to just get nominated because we’re only told maybe 10 seconds before who got nominated. Winning was an even bigger surprise.

Dara: I just felt my whole-body fill with happiness, with a little bit of relief.

Luke: I was hopeful when I saw my name nominated, and I was so pleased when I won because there were plenty of worthy winners.

Outside of winning at prizegiving, what moment from this year are you most proud of?

Beau: My Future Problem-Solving team going to national finals in Auckland.

Joseph: It has always been fun running out to play sport for Bohally, but I was especially proud of winning the school cross-country.

Dara: Being one of the leads for our school production of We Will Rock You, and being a part of the Jump Jam NZ National Championship team.

Luke: I was really proud of my Science Fair project on flight that I thought I went above and beyond on about flight, aerodynamics and the Bernoulli Principle.

What’s something you’ve improved at this year?

Beau: I’ve become much better at maths. I just started to get it more this year, and it’s gone from a least favourite to one of my favourites.

Joseph: I’ve learnt to be able to take feedback and actively act on the feedback I’ve been given.

Dara: I’ve learnt not to worry so much about what’s going on around me and do the best that I can do.

Luke: Future Problem Solving – I really didn’t get it in Year 7 but I’ve been able to better grasp the ideas of it all better this year.

Who has inspired you this year?

Beau: My mum – whenever I’ve needed her, she’s been a great supporter taking me to events and sports games and at home.

Joseph: My friend James, who’s taught me that I can’t just give up on stuff that I’m not doing well in and show resilience.

Dara: My mum, who’s always there for me, so supportive and knows what to say when I need her.

Luke: My teachers this year have been really encouraging in getting me to be more involved in general school life.

What’s something you are most looking forward to?

Beau: I’m looking forward to a Touch Tournament with Marlborough Under 14 Girls in Christchurch this weekend, because I’m hoping we can do well. (played over the 16/17 December, with the team winning 2, drawing 1 and losing 2)

Joseph: I’m looking forward to the Gardiner Trophy tennis competition against Nelson this summer and being the 1 seed for the 12 and under Marlborough team.

Dara: Trying out for Marlborough Girls’ College netball teams next year at centre.

Luke: I’m looking forward to doing more advanced science in the labs at Marlborough Boys’ College next year.

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