Wed, May 1, 2024 11:36 AM

Fire risk lessens


Paula Hulburt

Rain across the region has seen fire bosses lower the fire risk, today declaring a move to a restricted season.

The Marlborough South zone will move from a prohibited fire season to a restricted fire season from 8am Wednesday 1 May, until further notice.

Declaring the fire season changes Fire and Emergency‘s Community Risk Manager for Nelson Marlborough, Steve Trigg says the rain across the District over the last few weeks has reduced the fire danger.

But he advises caution as fire will still more fast if the wind picks up.

"Although there has been new grass growth, fire will still move extremely fast through the long dry grass in the Marlborough South zone if it is windy.

"We are asking anyone in this zone who applies for a fire permit to please comply with the conditions listed on the permit," he says.

An open fire season means people can light outdoor fires without a permit approved by Fire and Emergency.

This includes all Department of Conservation land. This means no open-air fires can be legally lit unless a fire permit has been applied for and approved by Fire and Emergency New Zealand.

This excludes all Department of Conservation land which remains in a restricted fire season.

Steve says it is up to individuals to ensure any fires lit are done so safely.

"Fires need to be kept to a manageable size and smoke drift should not be a hazard for motorists," he says.

Always visit before lighting and avoid lighting fires during or ahead of strong winds.

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