Marlborough Museum move on the cards?

Paula Hulburt

A report into the future of Marlborough Museum could see it moved to a central Blenheim location. Photo: File/William Woodworth

Marlborough Museum could be moved to a central Blenheim location in a bid to safeguard its future, it has been revealed.

A review of the former Marlborough Heritage Trust for Marlborough District Council pushed for a plan that would see the museum open in the former library building.

But Marlborough District Council bosses have ruled out that move for now as the old library has to be sold, with proceeds making up part of the funding package for the new library and art gallery.

The move comes amid tensions between Marlborough Historical Society (MHS) and Marlborough District Council over the handling of the changeover.

Report author and barrister James Crichton has highlighted several issues facing the troubled museum.

“I think there is ample evidence for the view that the current structure is muddled and confusing and no longer fit for purpose,” James says.

“… there is a powerful argument for removing the present museum and relocating it…

“A new site for the Marlborough Museum in the middle of town would be a first-rate site for the display and curating of Marlborough's treasures.

“The implication of moving the Museum facility from its present location into the town centre at a building owned by the Council would greatly help the foreshadowing of a new era.”

Barrister James Crichton is a consultant at Three60 Consult. Photo: Linkedin

In his report, which was completed in May 2021, James recommended council take complete control over the museum.

Marlborough Heritage Trust was wound up with Marlborough District Council officially taking over the reins on 1 July this year.

But a substantial part of the collection housed in the Brayshaw Park museum is owned by MHS.

Both Marlborough District Council and MHS have engaged legal representation, with former Marlborough Mayor John Leggett now acting for the historical society.

There is no signed agreement in place between MHS and Council over what happens to the artefacts which has been a bone of contention.

James highlighted personality conflicts and ongoing issues over ownership of the museum’s collections, saying they needed to be resolved.

He added the structural arrangement predisposes parties to be suspicious of one another and create almost built-in conflicts of interest.

“The Council should engage with the MHS to acquire, on behalf of the community, all of the Museum collection which remains in the ownership of the Society.

“A significant early challenge will be to resolve the issue of the ownership of the collection, or the part of the collection that belongs to the Society.

“It may be that the Society is prepared to gift that part of the collection to the proposed new Museum structure, as in effect a gift to the Marlborough community; that would certainly be the most straightforward way of dealing with the matter.”

The museum has been closed for 10 weeks since the council took over management.


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