Thu, May 16, 2024 4:00 PM
William Woodworth
A big Mother’s Day effort from Rarangi Surf Club members has reclaimed newly formed wetlands in Whites Bay to secure the Surf Club building’s future.
After the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake, land next to the clubrooms slowly became natural wetlands with water from Puketea Stream.
Now, after support from DoC, Beavertown Lions and more than 30 club members, the area has begun its transformation into a new wetland with 270 plants put in place.
Organiser Aimee Payne says the replanting project has been months in the making, and the entire club is glad to finally get gumboots on and shovels ready.
“The club and our junior surfers want to assist what has become a natural wetland, which through some help from us will help keep Pukatea Stream clear, add more habitat for local biodiversity and in the long term, protect the pathway to the beach and clubrooms.
“We’ve spent nine months to get to this point, as we’ve had unavailable native plants due to lots of other organisations doing native planting.”