Thu, Jan 18, 2024 1:24 PM

Turfs up as pitch almost ready for hand over


William Woodworth

Marlborough’s next world-class sporting facility is almost ready for hand over, with hopes of high-class hockey underway this season.

After being awarded the project tender in June and breaking ground shortly after, both Findlater Construction’s Project Manager Ken Manson and TigerTurf’s Adam Cherrie have been impressed by the quick turnaround.

The new facility - part of the Te Tātoru o Wairau combined colleges project - is using premium technologies both for players and spectators while retaining some of the classic character of the College Park turf.

“We’re very happy seeing how all our projects and subcontractors have brought the hockey turf project together”, says Ken.

Findlater Construction’s Ken Manson and TigerTurf’s Adam Cherrie at Marlborough’s soon-to-be home of hockey. Photo: William Woodworth

“It’s been a key to ensure this project is sustainably put together with the help of our staff and contractors, by combining upgrades like the low-power Lumosa LED stadium lights, and the reuse of the College Park water cannons and scoreboard.”

Water captured from turf irrigation and rainfall run-off from the turf, road and car parks will all be filtered through the turf formation and grassed areas, before disposed through soakage to ground. This water usage avoids surface contaminants and micro-plastics from the turf entering the downstream aquatic environment.

The ECOCEPT layer of the new turf, which replaces traditional multi-layering underturf structures, being laid out. Photo: William Woodworth

Marlborough businesses contracted for work on the turf project include Martella Electrical, Cuddon Irrigation, Renner Fencing, and TC Nicholls Roading.

Robinson Construction was awarded the separate contract for the Pavilion building, which will host teams before and after matches with changing sheds and post-match facilities.

“When you’ve been so hands on with a project for such a long time, it almost becomes bittersweet to hand it over for commissioning”, expands Ken.

“However, once it’s all finished, the machinery leaves and the fences come down, we’re looking forward to opening up an international standard sports facility for Marlborough”.

The turf project’s commitment to using recycled materials runs deep – literally – as the TigerTurf ECOCEPT artificial turf base uses 96 per cent reused rubber and plastic.

The view from pitchside as workers start to put finishing touches on Marlborough's newest international-standard sports facility. Photo: William Woodworth.

“Being a part of the Blenheim community myself, I’m proud to provide a brand-new, cutting-edge facility for local sports lovers”, says Adam.

“ECOCEPT recycles 76 tonnes of old car tyre rubber and plastic bags to build a hard wearing, shock absorbing, free draining hockey turf that acts as its own base layer without need for an asphalt pad, which means it’s more time and work efficient to install for everyone.

“It’s already shaping up to be a spectacular project for Marlborough Hockey, the college’s hockey teams, and the community as a whole.”

Adam expects that the turf will be fully installed and ready to play on in mid-February.

In the meantime, the new turf facility must tick off final steps, including the completion and commissioning of the new Pavilion before the starting whistles ring in the next era of Marlborough hockey.

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