Wed, Sep 20, 2023 10:01 AM

New face on local cricket scene


Peter Jones

Marlborough Cricket’s community voice will have a slight Aussie twang this season.

Eddie Swan, born-and-bred in Western Australia, is the province’s newly-appointed Community Cricket Development Manager.

The 25-year-old, who has a Bachelor of Education from UWA in Perth and a post graduate diploma in Sport Development from the University of Otago, started work last month.

He will provide coaching at different levels to the province’s young cricketers while offering basic skill sessions at the region’s primary schools with a view to building participation.

Eddie played cricket up to district level in Perth. He describes himself as a “decent” top order batsman and a “ropey” off-spinner and will turn out for Wairau Valley this year, although expecting to be “a bit rusty” after not playing for 18 months.

Having played the game since age four, Eddie gravitated towards coaching immediately upon leaving school, starting with mentoring age group sides for five years in WA, then during a stint in the United Kingdom.

He said the Marlborough role was “a good fit right from the start”.

“[The job] had the right mix between the coaching and development sides of things.”

He had visited the province previously, on a couple of South Island holiday trips with his family, and described Marlborough as “a bit of a highlight”.

“It was always an area that I wanted to come and spend time in, it’s pretty stunning really,” he added.

HOWZAT: Eddie Swan and group of Renwick School students after a recent skills session.

Along with cricket, skiing is Eddie’s main sporting passion. He has also played Aussie Rules and hockey also, describing himself as “a bit of a sports nut”.

Having held sessions at eight primary schools so far, Eddie is impressed by the reception he has received.

“I have felt really welcomed,” he said. “The kids have been great at the schools I have been to so far.

“I can see there is a passion for cricket in the region.”

Eddie says his Aussie heritage is not usually a talking point among the kids he has met so far, “although I did have one kid recently who said something about sandpaper, which was quite funny,” he added with a chuckle.

“I did enjoy that … it’s all good chat.”


Leading into the 2023-24 season there have been some other administrative changes on the Marlborough scene.

At the recent AGM, life member Stan Lane was elected to the office of MCA Patron, replacing Alistair Sowman who stepped down after 17 years in the role.

Brenna Nation was elected to the MCA Board with current director Vaughan Harris retiring while Greg Stretch retired as Board chair after five years in the role, but continues as a director. Jonathan Davis was elected as the new Board chair.

Jarrod Englefield has stepped back from the head coaching role with the senior rep side, Andrew McCaa taking up a player/coach position this season. He will be assisted by Greg Logan, Matthew Stretch and Englefield in an oversight/mentor role. Mike Croad will manage the senior side.

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