Wed, Aug 10, 2022 8:10 AM

Future brighter for inspiring student


Paula Hulburt

A young man left unable to work after a crisis of confidence has overcome adversity to help inspire others.

Joseph Addley from Marlborough is being hailed as a role model for fellow students attending a recent Career Navigator Community programme.

He joined the course, run by the Graeme Dingle Foundation, after his confidence was crushed at his former workplace.

Now programme bosses say the humble student has not only helped others but has also found enough confidence to enrol in further study.

Course coordinator Rachel Rodger says “be like Joe” became a bit of a mantra for other students.

Joe’s delighted dad Kevin says his son had experienced a difficult time in his previous workplace and had been left withdrawn and disillusioned.

“He’d had his confidence knocked, and he’d ended up out of the workforce.

“I thought this programme was exactly what he needed to get back on track.

“It’s been great to see him come out of his shell. And I know he’s going to go on to do good things. We’re so proud of him.”

Through his course, Joseph, who says he has got his life back, participated in the “Future of Work” conference in Blenheim in June and was inspired by the aviation interactive workstation.

Talking to Airbus staff on the day motivated him to enrol in the pathway to aeronautical engineering at Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology.

While he waits for the February starting date, Jo has been keeping busy with the Career Navigator initiative, discovering an interest in the wine industry too while on a site visit to Matua.

He’s has secured a fixed term cellar contract which will see him working full-time at Matua until his course begins.

Career Navigator Community has been running since 2020 and has recently seen a boost in funds through the He Poutama Rangatahi, a cross-agency initiative aimed at rangatahi who most at risk of long-term unemployment.

Rachel says the support makes such a big difference.

“We are so excited to have this support – knowing that we can continue to make a positive impact on our young people who are otherwise slipping through the cracks.

“As a region, on one hand we have a shortage of workers, and on the other we have a lot of ‘invisible rangatahi’.

“These young people have disengaged with employment prospects and with the community, and that represents a massive untapped potential – both for the young person themselves and us as a community.

“We’re trying to help bridge that gap and see our youth reintegrated, confident, and contributing members of our society. It’s exciting to see the outcomes, and it makes us so proud.”

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