Wed, Sep 14, 2022 12:00 PM

Sounds history book first of its kind


Paula Hulburt

A renowned historian who devoted a decade to exploring the Marlborough Sounds has published a book on her discoveries.

Ten years ago, Helen Beaglehole set out to find out more about settlement in the Sounds.

Her findings have been put together in her latest book, One Hundred Havens which will be published on 22 September.

Publishers Massey University Press say the 502-page book, which includes more than 100 images, is the first ever book to look at the history of the Sounds.

“It’s the outcome of her deep dive into the past.

Historian Helen Beaglehole has explored the Marlborough Sounds in great depth. Photo: Supplied.

“The first ever book to look at the history of the Sounds, it traces rich narratives of Māori and Pākehā settlement and the resourcefulness and resilience required to live in this glorious but challenging environment.

“Helen Beaglehole brings these multiple strands together in a wide-ranging, compelling narrative of place and people.”

A Wellington historian who has spent more than 40 years sailing and exploring in the Marlborough Sounds, has written books for children and young adults.

Her historical novels include Fire in the Hills: A history of rural firefighting in New Zealand.

She has also contributed to the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography and Te Ara, New Zealand’s online encyclopedia.

One Hundred Havens will be on sale for an RRP of $60.

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