Wed, Apr 24, 2024 4:27 PM

Flood risk update for Spring Creek residents


Paula Hulburt

Residents living in flood prone areas of Spring Creek are set to get an important update on what is being done to help reduce risks.

Council is inviting residents to hear about the proposed $8.4 million Peninsula Road stop bank repair and upgrade project.

And Council’s Emergency Services Officer Gary Spence will be on hand to explain what to expect if a flood evacuation order be given should another rainfall event occur in the future.

As darkness fell and the rain continued on 11 April, council bosses made the decision to advise residents in some areas to evacuate.

Fearing the failure of the Peninsula Road stop bank and a significant rise in water levels on the Wairau River, the alert was issued.

Residents of Spring Creek from March Street to the Wairau River's bank are advised to evacuate. Photo: Marlborough District Council. Graphic: Supplied/MDC

And while the 12 April rainfall was less than forecast, the potentially compromised stop bank remains an issue.

The stopbanks are critical for protecting the township of about 600 people.

One of the stopbanks started showing signs of cracking after the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake. Cracks started to appear in the lower section of the other one in the July 2021 floods.

Council Rivers and Drainage Engineering Manager Andy White will explain the background, current situation, proposed project programme and progress to date.

He will also cover the current flood risk and how Council and the community can mitigate it over the duration of the project, and beyond.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions.

Council’s Rivers and Drainage Engineering Team will be at the Spring Creek Community Hall on Thursday 2 May at 7.30pm.

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